ARK Professional Systems And Solutions.
Polyurethane Waterproofing.
We built a trough to test if the product can take pooling water as pooling water is a common problem when repairing box gutter and flat roofs.
As you can see the product works wonders. We have been filling this make shift ” box guter” with water for about 2 to 3 months as the water keeps evaporating and NO LEAKS picked up.
Conventional “paint on” systems would fail with in days of full submersion.
Conventional heat fused or self adhesive systems are difficult to install due to the working space and will eventually leak along the joins over time were pooling occurs.
This polyurethane coating is a seamless system and easy to apply once thorough preperation has been carried out to the substrate.
We are approved applicators for this product.
Waterproofing / / Painting / / Roofing / / Damp Proofing.